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      Back in 2009 after finishing my high school education I thought that great things were ahead of me, but I was very wrong. I was supposed to at least join a middle level college the following year according to my grades, but also that didn’t happen. Reasons being that the following year my younger brother also cleared his high school with better grades than I did. Seeing this, I was very happy for him that I sacrificed my opportunity to join college just so he could join the aerobic school. He is soon clearing his studies and coming back home, for those several years that he have been away in some part of Europe. Back home here things have not been that good cause dad have been working his black ass off so that my other siblings to have better education. My little brother didn’t knew what took place immediately that he left the country, economy was not doing so great by then, some rich and affluence people pooled strings in the various areas in the lands ministry and bought a huge parcel of land where my dad have built our family home. Days later vacation notices started flying into our door step that we should vacate the premises as soon as we could. The rich didn’t want to even look at the court injunctions that were sent to their offices to stop whatever thing that they were planning to do. At this moment I wish to correct the writer who wrote “The rich also cry” cause this fat pocket guys don’t do such a thing anymore, that day the common citizen who couldn’t stop the bull dozer from crushing their homes which they’ve saved for years to build. After that demolition many people who I knew from that area had a paradigm shift beneath their feet and they didn’t knew it. Everyone’s life changed for the worse especially if you were not prepared mentally for such a scenario. At this moment my educational dream was crushed because my parents were concentrating on the little that was left towards my younger siblings and I was left to fend for myself without a college certificate or a better education background that could make me get that average job.
       I didn’t lose hope cause I thought that this storm wouldn’t hung around for such a long time, so I started looking for friends that could help me get out of my situation. One gentleman decided to take me in and he made me his delivery man. As days went by I started to gain interest in his line of work that I took some personal time to learn a little about this type of business. And after some months together he saw my interest in his line of work that he decided to teach me some of the skills that it’s required to do such a job. By this time my salary was ksh. 10,000 monthly, but this wasn’t a guarantee on monthly bases. Our salaries would be delayed month after month. By that time the company had some boardroom wrangle’s and no body amongst that board cared that there were people who they employed, who worked from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, January to December. People who had families and siblings who looked after them for financial support. My life at this point was valueless, people who were very close to me couldn’t relay on me as I could have expected. My fellow friends had their things going on forward very smoothly, cause for those who were in the higher learning education institutions were about to graduate with honors and for those who could manage to be employed with better pay were out in the first lane enjoying life. I was so worried about what would take place the following minute, “the rent is due this month and I don’t have some cash yet, my fare is less I’ll be forced walk home today so that I could save some little cash to buy something to eat at home with my other siblings, my mom and I, there is a party at joy’s place and everyone who know anyone will be there but I won’t make it cause that party cause I’m not up to their standards.” All these bull shit were going through my head that I asked myself this question, “When will I have a normal teenage life if all these things are happening into my life?”
     That question will remain unanswered for my own good reason. Its 2015 the year of our lords, “what do I mean by that?” At this time and age the richer continues to get rich and the poorer continues to get poor, the oil market is crushing around the world, volume markets starts to go slow after the day’s close at the security exchange markets around the world, China’s economy grows tremendously for the past few years to overtake the United States, the Arab spring brought too much chaos than freedom of expression as many thought, gay people are demanding for their rights as any other average citizen of planet earth and as people do current say, “Who cares its 2015.” But for me I do care even if its 2015 or 2075, in the modern age things move so faster and long distances seems so short. The earth’s population continues to grow rapidly that governments around the globe are forced to put more funding into their annual budgets. According to this more countries are calling for bail outs from IMF, World Bank, European Union and any other financial structure that is big enough to salvage whatever is remaining as nations. Our global threat might be food shortage, diseases outbreak, war on Al Terror groups and Africa being the following frontier in the global business focus. We do care for all that, that we forget about our own business. Every year in the global summits there is one elephant in the room that most leaders wouldn’t dare to even list in their agendas. The next global threat won’t be the following things that I mentioned earlier but the threat will be coming from inside our own boarders. Imagine about what could happen if the number of fully energetic youths under the age of 25 years double or triple the number of adults above 35 years? And the larger number of these youths are unemployed?
      Any leaving human being demand for the basics, food, clothing and shelter to qualify as an average. What if those listed items above you can’t afford it? What if your college degree or high school certificate can’t get you that dream job? What if that standard of life is getting so high that you can’t save even a little cash at the end of the day? With a little period of time and depending on the intensity of your case anyone will definitely break down. I could be one in a few dozens to speak about all that crappy story, what about the silent group that hope that one day things will go back to what they used to? The politicians were meant to do politics to the politic over dozed population. Using our numbers to get into the whelm of power and immediately forget that we even existed the moment that they get there. Every year we graduate from learning institutions with nothing to hold on to the following day. Governments should start focusing on this group of their citizens or else the paradigm shift will take place under their feet and they will realize it when it’s too late. The next revolution won’t be about the expression speech or rights of a specific group of people, it will be between the half and the half Not. Apart from huge numbers that can take you into power over night, that the same number will be used to revolt against the half’s. As tiny as the ants might look, they can stills move the corps of a dead elephant. If the people we take to power won’t stop their gold rush spree the moment that they get there and get back to us things might not end up well. The Arab spring was just a food test and a drop into the ocean which might become a tsunami. To avoid all this the people in power should stop politicking about who should take the next multimillion development project, stop buying tenders with proxy companies, grabbing of public land and start giving us solutions of our problems. Am young and energetic, full of tremendous ideas in mind. Stop asking for five years work experience and show me what I’m supposed to do and let me do it. Who knew that social media platforms would be built by young fellows? Being a millennial is the most difficult thing to be as we speak due to the load of ton full of negative thoughts about us.
      Some people forget that we also want to make this planet a better place cause of a number of reasons; we are the frontiers of the generation Y, we can work hard and even smarter than any other generation before us, we can work together without political, ethnic, country or any other boundary that was put up with the earlier generation. We are the super generation to take our nations to the future without a doubt. Name it, business, politics, companies and technology we are the right candidate to push the bar to the next level. The only thing that I might ask from the older generation would be to stop babysitting us and give us the driver’s seat. Give us funds so that we could start our own fortune 500 companies, be in the Top 40 under 40 list, Forbes young entrepreneur. Reason being that one day you might not be there and I will be your successor and that won’t mean that it will be the end of the world as many of you do think about us. I want to speak all the teenagers around the world that we should stop this bad imaging that we’ve been getting and start making ourselves countable. We’re smarter, faster and hardworking than any other generation that came before us. So if you a generation X boss who thinks that we are no good in your company then am so sorry that we are here to stay and there is nothing that you can do about it, apart from moving over and listening to what we are about to say.    


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